I have been living in Thailand the last year or so and have been seeing several new people showing up to the meetings here in Bangkok.
It may be a trend in our society that is driving people to drink and use drugs in ever increasing numbers. ( perhaps also and increase in using other vices) As a result a greater number of people may be hitting lows and searching for recovery. I wonder if there are any studies or existing statistics that show an increase per capita of American people using psycho pharmaceuticals or self medicating with drugs and alcohol. Living abroad and tuning into USA TV now and again has given me a fresh perspective on at least TV advertising trends and what is being broadcast to the American public. One thing I've noticed. I had tuned into the USA CNN here and there seems to be an extraoridinary number of drug commercials urging people to be there "own advocate" and suggesting people to ask their doctors about these new drugs. It wasn't this way until perhaps about 10 years ago that I can recall. I would hope some studies are being done.
The media exists to serve it's sponsors and generate advertising revenue. As a result a huge emphasis on consuming as being the way to happiness is always urged. A better car, a better looking partner, a bigger and better furnished house, tastier and more expensive food is advertised as the way to happiness. I saw an airline commercial today that's used a music jingle singing "It's all about you". I had to chuckle, when it was all about me I almost died. Glad we in AA have a program that shows a path to happiness as being of service to God and others. -- The simple and practical 12 step program of recovery -- a design for living.